Chapter 11 - Spiral


Have you ever tried to observe the nature of life?

Do you see any repeating pattern?

Do you experience similar situations one after another?

Life gives second chances, and it may be due to the structure of life. Initially, life seems like a straight line from birth to death, but many theories have suggested a circular pattern. However, looking closely, you will observe that it is a spiral. You come to see a similar situation but with subtle changes.

You are more mature when you reach a similar situation. You can make better decisions and sometimes overcome regrets also. If you consider this maturity as moving towards a center, the path becomes a spiral. Thus, the journey has a course toward the center, and you are moving closer to your inner self. Strange, but so hopeful. Because if you look at it this way, you will have a chance to correct your past mistakes and overcome regrets. Without hope, life seems unfair and useless. Moving on a spiritual journey makes you realize it is more about finding peach inwards. We never look inside ourselves to find peace. That is why people go to places to find it. You don’t need to go anywhere. You don’t have to seek anybody but yourself. All the answers are within. All the things you need are within yourself. You have to start looking for them inside and trust yourself.
